Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Familiarity - Contempt

Every relationship starts out with a bang. Every couple has gone through that initial sweet, loving phase, commonly known as the ‘honeymoon period’. Even the most idealistic know that this honeymoon period is just a temporary stage and will fade in time to come. Why is this such a sure-fire thing? Does familiarity breed contempt?

As we spend more time with a person, we’ll gradually let our guards down and become more at ease and comfortable with the other party. True, the whole point of spending time with a person is to get to know him/her better. However, beware as this is a double-edged sword. As you become more at ease in his/her presence, your ‘human’ side will inevitably start to show. You’ll start to floss, fart, burp, wax in front of him/her, as you would have done when completely alone. While the conscious mind will say it’s a sign of progress for the relationship, the subconscious will tear away all fantasies or god-like images he/her previously had of you. You will soon cease to be the hot chick/stud in his/her eyes and you’d no longer be the coveted prize; rather, you’d just become someone who fits the bill for a life partner, stable yet dull. When that happens, the honeymoon period is officially over. Yes, all because familiarity does, to a certain degree, breed contempt. Word of advice: maintain that air of mystery, some things are meant to stay private.

(Bigtime disclaimer: the above is by no means representative of personal/real-life events. This article is a pure fabrication based on a common social observation.)

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